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How to Attract Someone Using Rose Quartz

Perhaps no other emotion has influenced and shaped human culture than love, yet it still seems to be so often fleeting and hard to find. Many people have turned to the healing power of stones to move forward in their love life and ignite a renewed spark in their hearts. Rose quartz is one of the best options for those looking to get things going, even when they might be dealing with setbacks.

Consider using a sample of this mineral in your regular spiritual practices since it can help focus spiritual power on the object of your affection. Visualization can also assist.

Using Rose Quartz For Love

Keep in mind that the healing and attractive power of crystals doesn’t come from some source that will serve as a magic way to bring a lover into your life. Instead, they’re metaphysical and spiritual tools that can help you when the winds are right. For example, if another individual is latently interested in you and you’re trying to work on your game, then rose quartz might just be the thing to help push things in the right direction. You’ll also want to work on some self-improvement in the process.

Consider using something like Rhodonite, which can help balance your heart chakra and may help to promote healthy relationships over time. Anyone recovering from a bad connection in the past could be carrying some extra baggage with them, and Rhodonite is a good option for those who want to forgive and move forward. Pair this with rose quartz and possibly other love and happiness stones for the best effect.

While working to focus on the object of your affections, you’ll want to keep the individual in mind, but you’ll also need to remember that you can’t force them to do anything that they don’t want to. The adage about if you love someone, then let  them accessible is exceptionally accurate in this case. 

By ensuring that you never push too hard, you can at least be sure you’re not forcing the relationship. Be open-minded, though, because you never know! Your crystals might bring you a partner you might never have even expected.

How to Attract Your Heart’s Desire by the Law of Vibration

Crystals can be used for an infinite number of reasons. These beautiful gifts of nature can help attract and manifest our greatest desires. One of the best ways to manifest what our heart truly desires is by the power of visualization. 

When we center our energy and visualize what our heart truly desires, things begin to manifest. The key to attracting what you desire is based upon the law of vibration. Depending on your pulse, you may attract like-minded things. 

When we feel positive and good about ourselves, we attract a high vibrational frequency. The trick is to be self-aware and catch yourself when you are vibrating at a low frequency and change your state. 

We are all interconnected in some shape or form. For example, the human body is made up of carbon-based life forms, which means that we are all made up of stardust. 

Have you ever thought about how randomly you feel about someone, and that person calls out of the blue? Have you ever questioned why this happens? This is the power of transferring thoughts from one person to another. So why do you think this happens? This is because we are genuinely connected. 

The Secret of Attracting What You Want

Visualization is genuinely one of the most powerful tools you can use to attract what you truly desire. So you may be asking yourself why is vibration, thinking positively, and visualization all important? These factors are all important because you want to attract positivity into your life, and the way you vibrate is crucial. 

How To Cleanse and Program Your Crystals

Before performing a love and attraction ritual, you must cleanse and program your crystal. Below are some recommendations on how to edit and program your crystal.

Cleanse Crystals: Take your rose quartz and cleanse properly with sage, palo santo or submerge into salt for 48 hours. 

Program Crystals: Before using your crystals, you should smudge your stones with sage and palo santo. Once your crystals have been cleansed, your crystals need to be programmed. Connect with your crystal and tune into that crystalline form just by holding the crystal. 

When you have connected with your crystal, you can begin to program your crystal by holding it in your non-dominant hand. Then, place that hand over your crystal to push the vibrations into the crystals, and state your intention verbally. 

Once you set your intention, just focus on the crystal. Feel its energy and sense. During this process, picture a golden or white light surrounding the crystal.

Love Attraction Ritual

Once you have cleansed your crystal, meditate for 15-20 minutes with your crystal to get your mind in a positive state. Then, play some music if possible and dance. The idea is to have you vibrate at a higher frequency. 

List of Tools Needed: 

  • Rose Quartz
  • Sheet of paper & pen
  • 1 Candle, White seven-day candle prayer candles 8 inches long (you can get these at a local botanica or most large chain stores in the candle section, and you can also use any unscented white candle)
    (These can be found in your local supermarket or amazon) Use the unscented 
  • In a bowl, mix dried rose petals, flowers, cinnamon sticks, and honey
  • Rose Essential Oil
  1. Take your essential oil, drop a few drops onto your crystal, and rub your crystal while closing your eyes and attuning to the crystal’s energy. Then, place your crystal next to the bowl. 
  1. Next, on a sheet of paper, you will write the kind of love you desire. If you have a person in mind, describe that person and be specific. Describe how you want your relationship to be with that person. Describe him physically. The more specific you are, the better it is. 
  2. Fold the sheet of paper, place it underneath the bowl. Next, light up the candle and put it in a bowl filled with water. 
  3.  Take a bowl and fill it with water (for the candle to sit in).  Don’t light up the candle until you place the paper underneath.
  4. Once you have mixed your dried flowers, while closing your eyes, sprinkle the dried rose petals and cinnamon a little bit of honey around the candle and water bowl (try to avoid the area where the wick is). Think about your desired intentions and visualize yourself in a relationship with that person. This can get a bit messy, but the power of choice is everything in every ritual. 
  5. For seven days, you will have to light a candle every day. Make sure you have water, and you place your candle in a safe place. 

Find Love Through The Power Of Nature With Crystals And Stones

At Crystals & Stones, we’ve always found that many people consider jewelry gifts to be one of the most straightforward ways of integrating rose quartz and other crystals into intimate situations.  You might never know the whole plan that the universe has for you. The outcome of using rose quartz or any other love crystal can bring surprises. That’s why keeping an open mind and being flexible is always so important. 

Those who are in a relationship will want to continue to use these stones time and time again to make sure that their flame never goes out, too. For more on the best crystals for specific uses, make sure to contact us online.

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Total Moon Energy Effects: Spiritual Crystal Cleansing Rituals

Full moons happen once a month when the sun’s rays fully illuminate and reflect off the moon. The brightness we see during this time is from sunlight bouncing back to us, giving people more energy as it reflects upon them. 

However, despite all its glory in light-filled moments, the moon only lasts for about three days before and after each complete lunar cycle. A full moon occurs on either side at any given moment since they are always opposite one another across an entire sky (or zodiac wheel).

Discover The Powers Of Moonlight!

There’s an ancient superstition that a person is either born under the light of a full moon or not. So when you’re born during this special lunar moment, it means your future will be bright and magical.

The moon has a significant impact on life; as it waxes and wanes, our energy changes too. The waxing phase is excellent for building momentum, while the waning stage provides an opportunity to reflect before moving forward again with new projects or goals in mind.

For centuries, humans have been living by lunar cycles. This connection can give us a sense of grounding and synergy with the earth & cosmos in our modern world. 

While the new moon is mostly about setting intentions for your future or launching new projects- it’s also time to reflect on how you’re doing so far! 

Starting at nightfall when there are barely any stars out, light from passing planets will make its way across Earth’s surface until two weeks later we see that full bright orb shining down upon us once again: The Full Moon.

When we experience our happiest moments (like at weddings, at nightfall, for example) many people believe there are always certain factors in play—weather conditions, planetary alignments, even phases of the moon! The idea behind these beliefs stems from old folk traditions passed down to us by our ancestors, who experimented with nature to find out about its powers.

Benefits Of Cleansing Crystals Under The Full Moon

Cleansing your crystals under the full moon can be as easy as putting them on a tray. Let them bathe in the pale light and preferably say a silent prayer or meditation to ask that they may purify themselves of any negative energy within this sacred space you have created for yourself!

Getting rid of negative energy should be a simple process that makes you feel comfortable. You don’t want to feel like you’re stressing yourself out over it.

Some people prefer to use a mirror instead of a tray. They feel a mirror could help reflect some amount of moonlight onto the crystals. Depending on your practice, you may wish to say a mantra or meditate to ask that your crystals will be purged of anything that they’ve picked up over your time working with them. 

The Best Way To Clear Negative Energy From Stones

At times, some spiritual seekers have come up with dedicated crystal cleaning rituals. You may want to follow the rubrics for one of these, especially if you’ve never tried cleaning your crystals under natural light before. 

Depending on the type of negative energy, you might also want to consider running your crystals through smoke from a smudge stick or a piece of blessed incense. Gently wiping the crystal with a soft, dry cloth in a way that doesn’t damage the integrity of the crystalline matrix could help to keep it physically clean, though this is independent of spiritual cleansing.

You may want to use a small amount of saltwater to clean your crystal before or after exposing it to raw moonlight. Though there’s naturally a wide variation of practices, combining these two methods might help dispel hostile powers and concerns. 

Those who practice spiritual disciplines like Qigong, Kundalini, and Reiki may wish to send distant energy to their crystals while they’re out under the moonlight. Experienced practitioners may also want to lay their hands down on their crystals and meditate on a particular symbol over them.

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to combine techniques with moonlight cleansing is to pair your crystals with either clear quartz or selenite. These both have the unique ability to recharge and purify the spiritual energy of other crystals. 

Most agree that their abilities are in no way diminished in the process. On the contrary, as the name suggests, selenite is sometimes associated with lunar concepts, making it particularly appropriate for this task.

Developing Your Spiritual Rituals

Never be afraid to experiment as long as said experiments don’t make you personally uncomfortable. For example, spiritual cleansing shouldn’t be about criticism, and focusing too much on doing the right things during your ritual could impart negative energy to a crystal. Instead, simply take a deep breath and smile before letting it out and do what feels natural. 

At Crystals & Stones, we’ve seen many different paths that all brought comfort and solace to those who walked them.

Your intention to purge anything that your crystals have picked up may well be the most powerful aspect of your cleansing rituals. When you’re ready to learn more about the healing power of crystals, make sure to use our online contact page.