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The Best Crystals for Manifesting Prosperity and Success in Business

Crystals on a Journal

Whether you are starting a new business venture or making a career leap, success doesn’t come easily. It takes hard work, consistency, dedication, discipline, and perseverance. Many believe that prosperity and success solely come from luck, but the truth is that success requires an exponential effort and sacrifice in order to see extraordinary results.

Why is Prosperity And Success Not Manifesting? 

One reason is people give up too soon. When this happens, creativity and abundance, stop flowing. Limiting beliefs propagate and poison the mind with negativity, the number one saboteur. Downer thoughts eliminate all the positive things ready to happen for you!

We Have The Power To Transform and Manifest Our Desires!

One of the passages stuck with me from the book “The Divine Matrix, Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief” By Gregg Braden. It explains that we have the power to change, transform, and create change in our life. 

We have the power and authority to make things happen. Most of us don’t see that to change one must make small changes, whether it’s their daily approach, belief system, or attitude. As a result, when we focus on the things that we create in our universe of imagination, we give power to our thoughts. This means that the unreal manifest into our reality. 

How can you start thinking differently? Address the consciousness collectively. When one makes slight changes in their life, this produces a domino effect. This means that your reality can receive a positive impact. To see a significant change in your life everything starts by making small changes. 

The key to unleashing the channel of prosperity is by rewiring the brain. When it comes to manifesting success there are several techniques that will lead you on the right path. One of them involves creating daily habits and practices that may help achieve your goals faster. Below are several practices that can be implemented into your daily routine. 

1. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude plays a huge role in our lives, as we often take things for granted. Life can make us forget. Begin by being grateful for what you have. This is an essential vital practice in manifesting prosperity. When you are grateful the universe will reward you for it.

2. Journaling.

When it comes to gratitude journaling is one of the most effective ways to appreciate the good things in life. On a piece of paper list 5-10 things that you feel grateful for, be specific by listing the people that you feel grateful for instead of materialistic things. 

3. Practice Meditation.

Meditation has been proven to eliminate stress and anxiety. It brings more positivity into your life while providing mental clarity. There are several guided meditation techniques that can help you attain your goals faster. 

4. Guided Visualization.

Mindfulness is a very effective technique that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, pain, depression, sleep issues anxiety and promote relaxation. 

5. Set Measurable Goals.

Setting measurable goals with a precise timeline and dates will give you a great perspective on tracking your progress. You can track your goals by using any of the suggestions mentioned above.

6. Set Specific Goals.

If you want to accomplish something it’s essential that you begin by setting your goals, write down your goals in a planner, be specific, and set your goals clear and well defined. This will help you get what you want in life. Start by writing your goals which will help you set expectations in order to begin tracking your progress. Don’t forget to look at this list on a weekly basis, that way you are visualizing your success! Don’t forget to keep those eyes on the price. 

Listed below are a few planner recommendations: 

  • Law of Attraction Planner – 2021 Deluxe Weekly & Monthly Life Planner to Achieve Your Goals
  • Panda Planner for Happiness and Productivity
  • Daily Planner by Panda Organizer Planner for Goals, Gratitude & Focus – Weekly Monthly Agenda

Digital Planner Applications: 

  • Productive Habit Tracker
  • Habit Tracker & Daily Planner
  • Planner Pro Daily Calendar

    7. Make your Bed.

    Start your day off right. Small things certainly matter, things such as making your bed every morning will give you a sense of accomplishment. This will reinforce the fact that small things do matter. Making your bed will also make you feel great, it will give you a sense of small pride, improves your mood, increases productivity, and encourages you to more tasks.

    8. Work with Crystals for Manifestation

    One of the most effective ways to release emotional or mental blocks is seeking help from the mineral kingdom. If you are struggling with bringing abundance and success into your life, these blockages need to be cleared out in order for the energy of abundance to flow into your life. 

When you have emotional blocks, trauma, and self-limiting beliefs, everything that surrounds us is energy, money is also a form of energy and it needs to be treated accordingly. In order to manifest abundance, this requires a positive mindset. Like many things in our universe, money is a form of energy, and it needs to be attracted appropriately.


These are a few crystals that can help you unblock and manifest success:

1) Pyrite: Is by far one of the most beautiful crystals out there! Despite its natural beauty pyrite is known to be one of the most powerful crystals for manifesting abundance and prosperity. Pyrite offers extremely grounding properties, and known as the “fools of gold” this good luck charm will not disappoint you. This is the crystal you want to have for any decision-making process. Pyrite is great for activating the solar plexus.

2) Aventurine: It’s known as the stone of prosperity. This stone is wonderful for reinforcing entrepreneurship and leadership. When it comes to making decisions, the adventure will spark that passion within you. It helps by encouraging, making us aware, and compassionate by having empathy for others. Aventurine opens the heart chakra. 

2) Citrine: is a wonderful crystal to spark motivation, activate creativity, and self-drive. Enhances the mind and provides the strength to overcome emotional imbalances such as obstacles, self-limiting beliefs, fears, and low self-esteem. Citrine is a wonderful stone to activate the solar plexus.

4) Smoky Quartz: Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone. It gently neutralizes negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog.  Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity.  It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress, and anxiety.  Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies.  Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams. Smoky Quartz aids concentration and assists in communication difficulties.

5) Tiger Eye: Tiger Eye is known to be a protective stone. Tiger eye focuses on dissipating negative energies, anxiety, and fears. Is wonderful for instilling self-confidence, willpower, willingness, motivation, and courage. Tiger eye is one of the greatest stones that will bring you good luck. Tiger eye activates the solar plexus.

6) Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli is known as the “wisdom Keeper”. This stone enhances intellectual ability while stimulating knowledge. Lapis brings self-awareness and blocks negative energy. Carry Lapis Lazuli in order to bring order and clarity to the mind. Lapis Lazuli activates the throat and the third eye chakra.

The Power of Programming Crystals

The power of programming crystals is astonishing. Many people buy crystals and forget the most essential step of working with crystals, which is programming your crystal. If you want a crystal to assist you you must give it a purpose or a job. Below is a quick guide on how to program your crystals: 

  1. Close your eyes, relax and take a deep breath, attune to the energy of your crystals. 
  2. Rub your hands for about 30 seconds, this helps activate your Chi. Separate your hands slowly, you should feel a tingly sensation in the palm of your hands. If you don’t feel anything try doing the exercise again. 
  3. Hold a few stones or just one stone with your non-dominant hand, and ask it to help you with creativity, abundance, and prosperity. 

Tip: try not to be too specific because you can limit the qualities and properties of the stone.

Expand the Energy of your Crystals

Bonding and expanding the power of your crystals is crucial. This can be implemented in your daily routine when you meditate in the morning. Attuning to the power of crystals will enhance your daily meditation. You can also reactivate your chakras by placing crystals in body grid format, which involves strategically placing your stones in each body center in order to cleanse your chakras. Make your crystals your ally! Take them everywhere, connect with them, its energy will help you stay calm and center. 


9. Charge your Crystals

A. The full moon is one of the most powerful lunar phases, so make sure you leverage its energy. Place your crystals outside or next to a window where you receive enough moonlight, overnight. 

B. You can also charge your crystals for a few hours under the sun. But, be careful not to leave them for more than 6 hours since the color can fade.

10. Amplify your Intention with Wealth and Prosperity Grid

First and foremost it is imperative that all of your crystals are thoroughly cleansed before doing this exercise.

1. Start by selecting your crystal grid.

If you are a beginner or you prefer to use fewer stones I recommend using the Star of David or if you prefer a more complex grid found in my shop.  Select a variety of stones which in this case you will be focusing on prosperity which the following crystals are wonderful for prosperity, aventurine, pyrite, clear quartz, tiger eye, lapis lazuli, citrine, smoky quartz, carnelian, and emerald. Make sure that the driver which is the stone that you select for the center of the grid is different. The stone in the center draws the energy while expanding and amplifying your intention. Therefore, the energy will directly flow within the energy points of the grid pattern. The crystal of my preference is citrine or Pyrite.  

2. Set your Intention.

On a piece of paper write down your intention fold the paper very small and place the paper behind the crystal in the center. 


3. Cleanse.

Use sage to cleanse your environment and stones, use a wand or pendulum, in order to channel, direct and activate the grids energy. Smudge and cleanse your crystals in order to dispel any stagnant energy. If you are not a fan of smudging you can spray lavender oil mix with water, and that should purify and cleanse your stones. As you smudge your grid focus on your desired intention. Ask your crystals to activate the flow of abundance and to serve your highest good. 

4. Create your Grid.

Stay focused on your intent. Set each crystal in place for each specific crystal give it a specific job, like for instance creativity, prosperity, drive, bring more  abundance into my life, place the driver stone in the middle of the grid. The energy in the grid is potentiating and expanding as you add more crystals on  the grid. Work your way outward and then place your last stone in the center.  Once you have placed all your stones your grid is complete. 

5. Activate your Grid.

Take your wand or pendulum, close your eyes, and start by focusing and bringing a ray of white light from your crown chakra breath in the white light. Breathe in the healing light and surround your entire body with that light. Allow the light to radiate like a bright flashing light all over your surroundings. 

Once you have envisioned this, take the wand to direct the energy towards the crystals. Use the wand to connect all the dots, visualize this light activating each crystal-like bonding each one. Do this until all are connected. You can also burn candles to maximize the power of your grid. 

Lastly, setting your goals will not only help you achieve and manifest prosperity but, it will make you feel like a million dollars! Being able to track and plan your daily goals and routine will set you on the right path. Number one tip to remember, we are all energy and the energy that we put out there can manifest based on your desires. Don’t forget to work diligently, stay focused, keep your eyes on the price, aspire, be relentless, dream big, think big, think positive, be positive, spread love, do good and learn to share with others. Apply this law of attraction strategy and you will get to your desire end goal in no time!

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What Are Gratitude Crystals: 10 Magical Stones to Instill Gratefulness

Geopathic Stress Reducer Crystals

You may not have heard of them before, but gratitude crystals are an excellent way to ensure that you maintain a sense of gratefulness in your life. These stones come in all shapes and sizes and have been used for centuries by different cultures as a way to promote feelings of thankfulness. This blog post will explore ten gratitude crystals that can help you get back on the right track!  


Discover 10 crystals that will help you feel more grateful!


Crystals For Gratitude

1) Selenite: Named for the moon, selenite promotes peace and serenity. It can also help you feel more grateful for the things in your life that are going well! As you go through the challenges in life, Selenite allows you to slow down and avoid stress.

2) Rose Quartz: These crystals have been known as a symbol of love, but they’re excellent at promoting gratitude, too. It’s associated with the heart chakra. Rose Quartz is ideal for promoting feelings of love, but it can also help you feel more grateful in your life because this crystal has been used to promote peace and harmony!

3) Citrine: This crystal promotes willpower, perseverance, and motivation. It’s also excellent for promoting feelings of gratitude because it has been used to encourage abundance and prosperity. Citrine crystal is known as the “merchant stone” or a symbol that supports financial success. It can also help you feel more grateful in your life too!

4) Aquamarine: This stone is excellent for promoting feelings of peace and tranquility. It’s also a great way to encourage gratitude because it has been used in the past to aid against envy, greediness, or resentment!

Aquamarine is known primarily for its association with love. Still, they’ll be perfect at boosting your sense of gratitude, too, especially if you have any negative emotions like jealousy that might be getting out of control. This crystal can help calm those down much better than other stones would do on its own!”

5) Clear Quartz: This crystal is known to be the “Master Healer” and the most versatile one out there because it can be used for anything. It is a great way to promote gratitude in your life too! 

Clear quartz crystals are known primarily by their association with love. Still, they’re perfect at boosting gratefulness as well, especially if you have any negative emotions like jealousy that might get overwhelming sometimes.

6) Pyrite: Pyrites are powerful protection stones that shield against all negativity. These include electromagnetic radiation, toxic substances, negative vibrations/energy on physical, etheric emotional levels. 

This fascinating lucky charm stimulates the intellect, enhancing memory, helping recall relevant information. When needed, Pyrite is a wealth attractor that helps manifest desires through visualization. This stone will help manifest your deepest desires and bring you luck.

7) Amethyst: is a powerful protection stone that shields against all negativity, including electromagnetic radiation and toxic substances. This fascinating lucky charm stimulates the intellectually enhancing memory. Recall relevant information when needed. Amethyst exists among the most powerful crystals in the mineral kingdom!

Without proper knowledge about gemstones, you won’t know what each has to offer. Amethyst is one of the most commonly found stones in nature, high in energy properties. People have used it for over six hundred million years. 

This variety of quartz has calming effects that remove negativity from us, making it perfect for chakra balancing. The soothing vibration of amethyst cleanses and reinvigorates the electromagnetic field by clearing out imbalances in your auric areas.

Gratitude Crystals

8) Rhodonite: Rhodonite is the stone for compassion, an emotional healer that’s a great companion to clear away any kind of past traumas and wounds. Whether you’re looking to invest in yourself or better the world, knowing about and using rhodonite would be an excellent decision. When it comes down to gratitude and opening your heart, chakra rhodonite is the must-have crystal. It comes in many different colors, but the most common color is pink.

Rhodonite is essential not only because of its healing properties and ability as an emotional healer (which makes it the perfect gratitude rock), rhodonite has been known since ancient times!

When people think about opening their heart chakra or being grateful, they should use heart chakra-focused crystals more. This is important, especially if there were past traumas involved with them before.

9) Tiger Eye: This stone is known for its violent and positive vibration. Tiger eye can help you with your work and productivity. It also has a strong connection between the mind, body-mind balance as well!

The Tiger Eye is also known to be the wealth attractor stone. A high vibration frequency instills motivation, willpower, and courage.

Tiger eye is an excellent stone to use when you’re feeling down or need some motivation in your life! It’s also known for its ability to protect, especially from the negative energy that comes with jealousy.

10) Emerald: Emeralds are known for healing both emotional wounds and the physical heart. It is a beautiful crystal for recovery or regeneration after injury/illness and a heart condition. It has been said since ancient times: “emerald heals what other gems cannot.”

Emerald can strengthen the eyes, heart, immune system, and nervous system. Furthermore, this crystal can be your best companion for regenerative and recovery. Emerald is known to heal both emotional love and the physical heart. 

It is a powerful energy stone, strengthening the eyes (especially for those who wear glasses). This crystal is excellent for assisting in healing negative emotions and past traumatic events.

Emerald has a strong connection between the heart, mind-body balance as well! This gemstone is perfect when it comes down to being grateful and opening up one’s third eye chakra. The soothing energy provides this energy.

Crystals For Positive Energy

Crystals to Enhance Gratefulness

Crystals are powerful tools for manifesting, healing, or just feeling good! Some of these crystalline structures have a unique ability to store light energy. You can use this energy as an alternative source when needed. They also emit their form of frequency, so they’re so great at balancing our chakras.

It’s like tuning into one specific radio station with no static interference from other stations nearby. The more you use them, the stronger this effect becomes over time until eventually, crystals become part of who we are deep down inside our most authentic selves!

Gratitude crystals can help with a number of situations from stress relief to balancing emotions. Whether it be healing, love or personal growth crystals have you covered! Crystals are a wonderful tool to use while developing a sense of appreciation in one’s daily living! Many people use crystals as a tool to focus on their breathing, grounding them in the present. They also have some great healing properties and can help you feel better during physical pain. You may never look at your life without a crystal in the same way again!

Gratitude crystals can help with some situations, from stress relief to balancing emotions. Whether it be healing, love, or personal growth, crystals have you covered! Crystals are an excellent tool to use while developing a sense of appreciation in one’s daily living! 

Many people use crystals as a tool to focus on their breathing, grounding them in the present. They also have some excellent healing properties and can help you feel better during physical pain. You may never look at your life without a crystal in the same way again!


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Using Crystals to Unblock Chakras

Crystals to Unblock Chakras

If your chakras are blocked, good energy won’t be able to flow harmoniously through you. Your chakras are influenced by what you think, what you do and how you feel. As life hands us obstacles our chakras can become blocked or unbalanced. 

At Crystal & Stone, we believe that with the right kind of crystal set and mindset you can balance and unblock your chakras, by placing the crystals and stones on your body, by wearing them or carrying them around with you. 

These crystals are not meant to treat physical or psychological issues. If you need help and are experiencing a mental health issue or a physical ailment, contact a professional to speak to a physician or therapist. 

Get the crystals you need according to what you feel is blocked within you. Each crystal provides different healing properties and their potential to unblock and balance you will depend on your set intentions and needs. Discover our chakra balancing stones below, how to balance your chakras with crystals and on which energy centers you should place them: 

Root Chakra

Root Chakra on Body

The Root Chakra is your base chakra located at the base of your spine. It is known to be your connection to family, health, Earth, belonging, and survival.   

Black Tourmaline

If you are experiencing low self-esteem, anxiety, depression or loneliness your root chakra might be blocked. This crystal named, Black Tourmaline will support you in times of stress. It will also absorb the negative energies in your life and provide psychic protection.

Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra on Body

The sacral chakra is located at the base of your spine and is your connection to confidence, creativity, sexuality, and self-worth. If you are experiencing an eating disorder, low sexual stamina, and drive, menstrual problems, UTIs or infertility, your sacral chakra could be blocked. 


The base chakra is associated with the spine, passion, and stability. All these aspects are important because our spine determines our mobility. Carnelian restores a person’s vitality and provides high energy.

Solar Plexus 

Solar Plexus Chakra on Body

The crystal healing your solar plexus is Citrine. If your solar plexus is blocked you might be experiencing insomnia, skin problems, metabolism difficulties, trouble concentrating or memory loss. 


The Citrine chakra stone should be placed at your diaphragm where the solar plexus is. Citrine benefits in the areas of creativity and imagination, it is especially helpful for confidence, curiosity, happiness, good health, intelligence, and healing wisdom. Place right below your belly-button and practice mindfulness or meditation.

Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra on Human Body

The crystals below will help you unblock your heart chakra if you are having difficulties with forgiving, trust, or feeling safe. The heart chakra is your connection to the center of your being and your connection to love and relationships.  


Fluorite can help you if you are feeling hopeless, feeling apathetic, can’t forgive others, or have trouble with committing. Place the Fluorite in the same place as your physical heart and practice mindfulness and meditation with it. 

Rose Quartz 

You can also utilize Rose Quartz to unblock and balance the heart chakra. Wear it as a necklace or place it on top of where your heart is while meditating in a horizontal position. 

Rose quartz can help with emotional healing. The stone represents unconditional love and happiness. When you have trouble with self-love, meditating with this gem can help. You can also use it to assist with restoring trust and comforting others.

Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra on Body

Located at the base of your throat, the throat chakra is your connection to the way you communicate, your sense of freedom and leadership. If you are having trouble with expressing yourself freely you might have your throat chakra blocked.

Blue Kyanite 

Blue Kyanite will get the right energy flowing to unblock your throat chakra. Place it at the base of your throat and let the stone chakra do the healing. Blue kyanite will help with increasing honest communication, especially when worn against the throat. It will also reduce anxiety, which will assist in finding mindfulness.


Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra on Human Body

The third eye is located above and between your two eyes. When balanced, the third eye helps you have a strong connection to your dreams, psychic abilities, conscious thoughts, and the mind.  

Lapis Lazuli

The Lapis Lazuli will help you if you are experiencing nightmares, constant headaches, eye problems, or ear trouble for your eye chakra might be blocked. Lapis Lazuli has high frequencies that can help you achieve spiritual enlightenment. Meditate with this stone and place it where your third eye would be while remaining with an open heart and open mind in order to receive visions or messages from your higher self so you can evolve into your fullest potential of being.   

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra on Human Body

Located at the top of your head, the crown chakra is associated with spirituality, wisdom, and enlightenment. When the crown chakra is blocked you might experience mental health problems and lack of faith. Discover the crown chakra crystals below:


Dark amethyst will assist the Third Eye, a chakra that invites its owner to look inward. Amethyst assists with your digestive and endocrine systems when rubbed over your torso. Just as we now know that gut health is associated with mental health, you can use amethyst to relieve your worries about the world. These crystals and healing stones clear thinking, and help you find a path forward.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz has emotional healing properties to dispel feelings of negativity while encouraging positive feelings and thoughts, balancing benefits in keeping with clear quartz meaning. Clear quartz enhances awareness and improves one’s perceptions. Energy levels are increased, thought processes are improved and clarified.

Wondering how to cleanse your crystals? Cleansing your crystals is easy! Simply wash them with water, give them a moonlight shower or sunlight shower, or rub it with some sea salt! 

Unblock Your Chakras with our Crystals & Stones!

At Crystals & Stones, we provide you with a set of crystals so that you can enrich your meditation practice and embark on your spiritual journey with the healing properties of these stones. 

We want to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us and our friendly customer service will get in touch with you. 

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Healing Crystals For Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Crystals For Anxiety and Stress

40 million adults in the United States alone have an anxiety disorder. There’s a good chance that the numbers are higher, but many people are not always forthcoming when talking about signs and symptoms. Stigmas regarding mental health sadly prevail. 

Psychiatrists and other specialists will have a fair number of people on some form of medication. These prescriptions are not only expensive but in many cases, they’re also equally dangerous if used improperly. Nevertheless, it’s become one of the most common ways of dealing with these kinds of problems. About thirty percent of people who use medication eventually find it effective.

Those who find themselves dealing with anxiety attacks and panic disorders can take heart because there are better options available. A number of natural stones and crystals could be the start of restoring your natural emotions and preventing attacks.

Consider these five common types of stones. Their energies help with the symptoms of anxiety and clear your mind.

Rose Quartz

Red has long been associated with a so-called rosy disposition, and many experts have referred to rose quartz as a mineral that produces the energy of love. It’s a great choice for those who are learning to love themselves all over again and manage their stress levels to reduce the risk of having a panic attack. Rose quartz will help with stressful situations and help you breathe. 

Healing Roze Quartz Stone

Tiger Eye

With its clear vibrational frequency, this crystal is great for anyone who finds themselves constantly ruminating time and time again. When you feel intense fear, the tiger eye can help you find a path forward. Reduce your chest pain when meditating with this stone. It can help to quiet your mind and allow you to focus on a single thing each time you need to think.

Citrine’s unique color comes from traces of iron ore, which makes it associated heavily with having a sunny disposition. That makes it very popular with those who’ve been letting the weight of the world get them down. On top of this, it’s an attractive substitute for yellow sapphires in most types of settings. As a result, it’s a great pick for those who want to discretely wear a particular crystal around while they’re working.

As it vibrates at such a high frequency, fluorite can bring peace into your life. Some people have stated that, as a result, it’s helpful to deal with panic attacks while also rejuvenating the mind. Even the most skeptical have agreed that it’s a beautiful looking option. It’s even where dental fluoride is derived.

Healing Flourite Crystal

Zodiac aficionados once associated Angelite with the constellation of Aquarius. As well as a popular birthstone, it’s become a popular choice with those who want to relieve themselves of stress and reduce the risk of emotional trauma. The unique visual properties of it even make it a good pick for anybody that wants to admire crystalline facets while they’re meditating.

Supplement Your Treatment Plan With Crystals And Stones Selections

The Crystals and Stones shop has the selection that you need to start experiencing the amazing benefits of these tiny gifts of nature. There’s no reason you have to stress over finding the perfect stones that can help you alleviate stress for the rest of your life. 

Contact us online and find out more about what stones are available to help you out. Whether you’re a serious user or merely a collector who wants to derive a little peace from polishing and setting your pieces, Crystals and Stones can help you assemble the right box.